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A library for interacting with blockchain domain names.

Supported domain zones:

  • .crypto
  • .zil
  • .eth
  • .kred
  • .xyz
  • .luxe

API Referrence Documentation

You can use Resolution in a <script> tag from a CDN, or as the Resolution


You can install CLI by installing this package as a global.

yarn global add @unstoppabledomains/resolution
npm install -g @unstoppabledomains/resolution

It should install binary named resolution in the default folder for your package manager. You can check it by running

resolution -V

command. If everything is fine you will see the version installed.

Once you have installed the CLI you can go ahead and use it without any extra configuration. By default the cli is using https://main-rpc.linkpool.io service as a gateway to blockchain. If you want to change it to some other providers including your own you can do so by utilizing resolution -C flag.

As an argument to -C type the following structure url:< https://.... >

Example of usage

resolution -C url:https://...

You can find all of the options for resolution cli within -h, --help flag.


resolution -mc eth,btc,DODGE,unknown -d brad.zil


When resolution hits an error it returns the error code instead of throwing. So if you see something like RECORD_NOT_FOUND you know exactly that record was not found for this query.

Contributor guide

Paste that in a macOS Terminal or Linux shell prompt.

1) Install NVM

 curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash

2) Install concrete version of node.js

 nvm install 12.12.0

3) Install yarn

 npm install -g yarn

4) Download dependencies

yarn install

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